Rampage and Gangbuster

Rampage and Gangbuster both return this month.  Rampage takes a heroic turn, while Gangbuster appears to be becoming a villain.

Superman #24

Dr. Kitty Faulkner is in the hospital dying from the effects of the accident that turned her into Rampage back in Superman #7.  With nothing left to lose (her subscription to Life magazine just ran out), she trusts her former colleague responsible for transforming her into Rampage, Dr. Moyers.  Moyers betrays her trust and predictably turns Kitty into Rampage again, who he uses to sabotage the campaign of an enemy who happens to be running for president (it's 1988, an election year).  Clark Kent doesn't personally approve of the candidate but doesn't feel it's right to campaign against him as Superman, either.  Fortunately, Superman is able to free Rampage from Dr. Moyers' control, and his enemy loses the election anyway.

Side note: I'm not suggesting Rampage is a She-Hulk ripoff, but it is interesting that a few months after leaving Superman John Byrne would begin his unforgettable run on the Sensational She-Hulk.

Adventure of Superman #447

Gangbuster is back, faster and stronger than before.  Lois visits Jose Delgado again to find out who it is, and while he reveals to her that he's able to walk again, he seems to be nowhere near the level as Gangbuster.  At a Lexcorp press conference, Clark Kent discretely saves Luthor from an assassination attempt by one of the escaped crooks from the last issue.  Later, Luthor is frustrated that his mysterious savior won't step forward.  Morgan Edge succeeds in hiring Cat Grant as a hostess for his "Hollywood Tonight" show.  Gangbuster goes to the Ace O' Clubs and we see Bibbo Bibowski again, now working reluctantly as his informant.  Gangbuster fails to step the murder of Lex Luthor's failed assassin, a hit man tries to kill the fugitive with his own gun but it blows up in his face.  Gangbuster escapes the police but is now their prime suspect.  Superman determines Gangbuster has gone too far and vows "he won't catch me napping again."


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