Introducing... The New Supergirl

Although she's already been around for a few months, the new Supergirl Cir-El finally meets the Man of Steel.  Zod and Luthor team up with Superman to save the world, and Superman goes back to Heroville to fight the Hollow Men.

Action Comics #802

The Harvest part 1

The Luthor administration discovers that the terrorist attack that turned U.S. metahumans into living bombs was carried out by genetically enhanced mosquitoes that they think can be traced to Bialya.  President Luthor wants to launch a counter attack, but Superman asks them to wait until he can investigate it himself.  Before Superman even arrives in Bialya, however, the nation is attacked by Zod who captures Colonel Rajak and dramatically brings the dictator to the White House lawn for Luthor.  Luthor and Zod become allies, but Superman is now convinced Zod was really behind the attack.  Steel discovers that the metahuman genome was activated by Earth's yellow sun.  Zod and Luthor have a plan to turn the sun red, which will also conveniently make Superman powerless.  Superman naturally resists the idea, but Zod takes him to the middle of nowhere and removes his mask, revealing he also has Superman's face.  While it's not known if he's a clone or from an alternate reality, it is assumed Zod will also lose his powers in this process.  Zod and Kal El go into space to use Luthor's device to turn the sun red, but along the way they have to fight off some of the new metahumans who don't want to lose their new powers.  In a flash, the sun turns red and it appears an unconscious Superman flies through space on fire.

Adventures of Superman #615

Superman is briefed by scientists at S.T.A.R. Labs about the new anti-chromatic syndrome that's been infecting superheroes.  He recognizes the latest victim of the illness as a boy he saw in Heroville, so he leads the scientists back to the tesseract town to investigate.  He finds the inventor of the town in battle with the Hollow Men, who seem to be the cause of the illness.  Superman has a flashback and remembers reading a book about the Hollow Men years ago, which was written by the same author whose manuscript had brought the Champion of the Oppressed to life a few issues ago.  In the book, the Hollow Men succeeded, but Superman vows they will win in the real world.

Superman suddenly remembering a novel he read years ago seemed like lazy writing.  It seems like this book could have been mentioned earlier when he first met the author, or he could have read it at super speed in the present.

Superman #192

An obscure, one-off pre-Crisis villain named Radion hijacks a news helicopter and threatens to crash it into a nuclear power plant.  The press watch as it looks like Superman safely downs the helicopter but then shockingly tosses Radion into the nuclear reactor.  When the hero comes down to Earth, however, they see it's not Superman but a new Supergirl who claims to be his daughter.  Lois Lane immediately starts to react uncharacteristically jealous of this news, as if Clark cheated on her in the last year and inexplicably had a teenage daughter.  While Superman is saving people from a volcano, an inconsolable Lois irrationally demands that he drop everything and rush back to Metropolis for an explanation.  After calming her down, Clark takes Lois to get some coffee at a new shop called "Yes", where the new Supergirl finds the couple and calls them Daddy and Mommy.  Lois spits out her coffee.

This issue was probably one of the worst depictions of Lois Lane ever written.  On every page, she's insecure, jealous, or overly emotional.  Her strong-willed, independent character is entirely absent, and instead she comes across like a bad female stereotype that puts even the sexism of the 50's and 60's to shame.  

A new vigilante named Viceroy starts fight crime in Metropolis accompanied by a robotic owl sidekick 


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